Maragoli Avenue, Milimani Nakuru

0740 000 111 / 333

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At Kipepeo School, we pride ourselves on being an Inclusive International School. Our unique approach to education combines the principles of Montessori; a focus on inclusivity and individuality, fostering a love for learning. These principles reach their fullness in the British Curriculum that we offer. Our Preparatory School pupils follow the Cambridge International Examination and Common Entrance Examinations. We create a warm, supportive, and secure environment where each child is valued as a unique individual, allowing them to develop at their own pace.

Kipepeo School welcomes children from 1.5 to 5 years in the Early Years program and children aged 5 to 14 years in the Preparatory School program. Our curriculum is carefully designed to cater to the developmental needs of each age group, providing a strong foundation for their future academic and personal growth.

The Montessori approach at Kipepeo School emphasizes learning through purposeful play, fostering emotional and social skills alongside academic development. By encouraging exploration, questioning, reasoning, and communication, your child will develop holistically and gain essential life skills, including independence, confidence, and respect for others.

In our Preparatory School (Years 1 to 8), we follow the National Curriculum of England and Wales, complementing it with Montessori principles. Learning becomes progressively project-based, and children work in small groups or independently, enhancing their independence and freedom within a structured and comprehensive curriculum.

Kipepeo School offers a broad range of extra-curricular activities to foster learning and nurture talent. Some of the activities include swimming, art & crafts, cookery, sports, music, and more. These activities enrich your child's learning experience and provide a well-rounded education beyond the classroom.

Kipepeo School is committed to becoming a fully inclusive school, providing appropriate support services for children and families with Special Educational Needs. Our staff is trained to be sensitive observers and are dedicated to nurturing every child, ensuring they feel supported and valued in their learning journey.

At Kipepeo School, we celebrate and acknowledge every child's effort without placing value judgments on their performance. We believe in fostering self-esteem, self-direction, and self-discipline through inner motivation and self-evaluation. Our emphasis on encouragement over evaluation allows children to develop a strong sense of self and trust in their own abilities.

We value strong partnerships with parents and actively encourage their involvement in their child's education. Kipepeo School conducts regular parent-teacher forums where parents can collaborate with teachers to provide an inclusive, play-based, and high-quality teaching and learning environment.

To enroll your child at Kipepeo School or to schedule a visit, please contact us at the following:

KIPEPEO FOUNDATION Maragoli Avenue, Milimani, Nakuru P.O. Box 16685-20100 Nakuru Phone: 0740 000 111 Head Teacher: 0740 000 333

We are thrilled to welcome you and your child to the Kipepeo family, where curious minds and brave hearts thrive!

Kipepeo School follows an Inclusive International Montessori education approach. We provide a warm, welcoming, and supportive environment where children get equal opportunities to develop and learn at their own pace as individuals.

Kipepeo School welcomes children for Early Years (1.5 to 5 years) and Junior School (Year 1 to Year 8, ages 5 to 13 years).

In the Early Years, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework delivered using effective Montessori practices. In the Junior School, we follow the National Curriculum of England and Wales with reference to attainment targets and key stages.

Kipepeo School is guided by the following core values:

Lifelong love of learning
Respect for self, others, and the environment
Freedom balanced with responsibility
Creativity and individuality
Honesty and humility
Embrace diversity and peace

Yes, Kipepeo School offers a broad range of extracurricular activities to foster learning, nurture talent, and make the school experience enjoyable. Activities include swimming, art & crafts, sports & martial arts, music and instruments (piano, guitar, recorder), and more. Excursions are also organized each term.

Kipepeo School operates a full-day program from 7.30am to 4.30pm, providing an engaging and supportive learning environment for children.

Kipepeo School maintains optimal class sizes with two teachers per class, ensuring personalized attention and effective learning.

Yes, Kipepeo School offers school transport services across Nakuru City for the convenience of students.

Yes, Kipepeo School is committed to becoming a fully inclusive school. We have a Therapeutic Learning Centre that caters to children with Special Education Needs, offering support services such as therapeutic rehabilitation, speech and language pathology, occupational therapy, and psychological counseling.

Kipepeo School fosters strong partnerships with parents through regular meetings and pupil diaries. Parents are actively involved in shaping the learning environment and supporting their child's educational journey.

Kipepeo School offers a wide range of talent development activities, including creative arts, technical skills, sports, languages, and leadership development. All pupils actively participate in two or more talent development activities, encouraging well-rounded growth.

To enroll your child at Kipepeo School or inquire further, please contact us through the following: KIPEPEO FOUNDATION Maragoli Avenue, Milimani, Nakuru P.O. Box 16685-20100 Nakuru Phone: 0740 000 111 Head Teacher: 0740 000 333 Facebook: /kipepeoschool